Title: Home (Beneath the Emporer's Gaze) 

Measurements: 18" x 26"
Medium: Mixed Media Collage                                             
Artist: Janet Fredericks
Value: $600   
Notes: Materials used in this piece  speak to the question, "What is (a) home?"
  • Antique quilt (warmth and comfort)
  • Paper page from The Times Atlas (outdated)
  • Cotton tread (migrations, pathways, travel)
  • Cyanotype blue
  • Toile fabric (with pastoral, idyllic scene of home-life. Toile was introduced to North America during the Colonial Era)
  • Repurposed sheer nylon fabric
  • Repurposed blue tarp (used world-wide in constructing temporary shelter)
  • Repurposed cat food tab hangers

*Artist shares 50% of proceeds with AHW

Home (Beneath the Emporer's Gaze)

Item #14

$100 - 1 bid

Minimum Bid Increment:




Donated By:

Janet Fredericks